Back when he was running to become the most important man in the planet, i.e., the leader of the free world, i.e., the top public servant there could ever be, i.e., the man in charge of a superpower… said that, like his faith, he didn’t approve of same-sex marriage.
But TODAY (after having been propelled by his good-for-not-much VP’s untimely comment), he’s “come out” to admit that he is in fact in support of gay marriage. How timely…
The people who voted for him are literally falling even more head over heels in love with him today. They’re proud “their man” finally stood up; they’re overjoyed; he’s such a hero; blah, blah, blah…
Yet here’s the thing: His rhetoric (which I studied in college, mind you) is so good, it’s so effective and so incredibly manipulative that it hides (though not to those few lovebirds of his) his comment’s hypocritical nature.
Honestly, as a new citizen of this country, a woman, and a Latina, I’m ashamed that THIS is what we have for a president. It’s sickening. It’s hypocrisy at its prime and I can’t begin to understand people’s declarations of love for him after having made this comment. They make me cringe. Though I’m sure I’d be fuming if I were homosexual.
Consider this: Four and eight years ago (but mostly four), President Obama was hoping to target those conservatives who were more “on the fence” politically–he wanted to steal from those voters who supported President Bush– so he kept saying, time and time again, that he was against gay marriage.
Now, with a $5 TRILLION debt in his name (i.e., what he’s amassed so far–NOT what he “inherited”) and 21+ million unemployed, he’s decided to take some attention away from his failed policies and from the damage he’s caused to declare that he really is a liberal and is totally into gay rights. Naturally all he now wants is to target those liberals and homosexuals who were disappointed at his previous relatively conservative non-stance.
Let’s see how Hispanics and African Americans (who are significantly against gay marriage) like him now, eh? (FYI he did back out a little bit and admit that while he “personally” favors it, in reality it should be the states who decide what to make of it. Um thanks for stating the obvious because you realized that your opinion, as someone who can’t fortunately ever make new laws, is worthless?)
So there you have it, people who elected him: He’s now in support of something you support and that he used to oppose– only because he was practically forced to be in support of it. Does that make sense?
Why can’t people see that? Hypocrisy (esp.when it relates to such a dividing issue) isn’t the way to buy votes. I wonder what the gay community thinks now (though I guess it still luvs Mr. O).
And they call his opponent a flip-flopper? Ugh…