What I mean when I say that I’m old-fashioned and that I like to think against the norm
When my parents and I (legally) moved to the States, I felt like what I grew up knowing (incl. some of the wholesomeness of 90s American shows) had little value here.

My then-fiancé (now husband) and I attended a Halloween party once as Mr. Spock and Uhura. Afterwards we went to dinner, where a waitress said we made her “freaking day” with our costumes!
Here, most people seem to think, for instance, of their parents as accessories, of alcohol as water, of God as nonexistent, and of sex as the only pastime–especially if you’re not married!
But it wasn’t until I was in my 20s when I learned that to many like me, those facts were fortunately not true. I wasn’t raised like that and at some point during college I thought it was about damn time I voiced what Latinos AND non-Latinos like me thought.
But aside from my involvement in numerous school organizations, I more or less “hid” behind my shyness and never really voiced my opinion. I didn’t even keep a diary growing up.
Hence this blog
Though I wouldn’t trade my life here for anything and I’m ecstatic that our kids will grow up here and know they’re among the most fortunate in the world, I’m also blessed to be able to express myself through a medium that can reach many who can identify with my point of view.
I’d like to WELCOME YOU into my corner of blogland.
Here you’ll find an alternative outlook to the one that’s so often predicated as truth, and I hope you enjoy my take on modern topics.
Now that I’ve given you some context, let me share some key landmarks from my blog.

Just a few minutes before he popped the question in November 2015.
First Up: Pages!
+ My Bio would be a great next stop.
+ If you’d like to grow your blog, then I invite you to check my Resources page and cool Blogging Tips.
+ Feel free to check my FAQs and find out about sponsoring this site.
+ And if you want to reach out, you’re welcome to contact me.
Now onto a few popular posts!
+ In these reads meant for mommy vloggers (who I can’t stand), like this one on their many problems and this one, I kindly tell them their hobby sucks because exploiting children is wrong and a parent’s livelihood shouldn’t depend on THEM.
+ In these posts inspired by The Dr. Laura Program, I go over important topics that Dr. Laura Schlesinger has discussed on her show, and that I know would benefit wives and moms who want to be the kind of women their husbands enjoy being married to and that their children will love and respect.
+ In Live-In Relationships: I’m Not A Car That Needs To Be Test-Driven, I discuss why live-in relationships aren’t beneficial to anyone involved.
+ In In Defense of Overprotective Parents, I talk about how part of what makes my parents THE BEST ever is how they see me as their own life.
+ In Being Away from Your Kids Isn’t Good for Everyone, I debunk the myth that kids need to be apart from their parents for extended periods of time.
+ In this post about bitcoin and this one on buying bitcoin, I debunk another myth related to bitcoin–mainly that it will take over the world. No, it won’t: because it’s sh!t and broken. (My husband mined cryptocurrency and he has better recommendations.)
Again, muchísimas gracias and I’m very glad to have you here. So stay, share, and be merry!!
XO, Annie