A Colombian native, Annie is a naturalized U.S. citizen on a mission to show the world the Hispanic Conservative Millennial point of view. Join this sassy Latina as she explores unconventional ideas and introduces you to new and neat happenings all over so that you can have strong, well-founded, and interesting conversations at your next dinner party. Annie cherishes patriotism, family, God, thinking big, common sense, old-fashioned values, and respect. Get ready for her doses of reality.
The INTENTIONALLY MOUTHY show came about after many, MANY years of thinking whether I should “graduate” from my blog that I’ve had since 2011 into a new medium that lets me share more intimately about myself and my unique take on things.
I’ll continue blogging, so this in no way represents I wanted to leave such a key aspect of my life.
I was actually intimidated by podcasts for a long time. I knew I had the content, but it was more so the technical aspect of it that overwhelmed me.
Nevertheless, I finally bit the bullet one day and looked through my inbox for old emails from (the) Pat Flynn about podcasting. I studied those lessons and, soon after, formally launched the show I had been wanting to start for years.
What We’ll Talk About
Simply put, this podcast/show is an extension of my blog, Annie Said So. That doesn’t mean it’ll be a carbon copy of my blog(how boring would that be?), or that it’ll be a Cliff’s Notes version of it.
Instead, think of this show as my opportunity to touch on topics that aren’t discussed out there much. Here’s a taste of things I’ll address:
- Why premarital cohabitation makes no sense–and doesn’t prepare you for marriage
- Why kids and social media don’t “mix” well
- Why men who won’t be alone with women who aren’t their wives/family are to be respected
- Why Bitcoin isn’t worthwhile
- I’ll also talk about new happenings and events around Utah and other destinations we visit while on vacation
- Much more!
While I bring up such subjects in my blog, this podcast will better elaborate on that stuff. I’ll add new content I’ve been working on, new takes, and fresh “hindsight”-type perspectives. Plus, those who prefer listening will certainly enjoy this format!
The lovely song playing at the beginning and end of each episode is Invisible Light (Instrumental Version) by Josh Woodward.
The song playing in the background of my (non-sponsored) “ads” is Love Life by Purple Planet Music.
The voice you hear in the beginning and the end of each episode is that of my adorable husband Chris.