On this episode I go over how modern Feminism has been hurting men for the past few decades, including the War on Men, plus how men are remedying it all. Hold on to your seats because there was plenty of research involved, and boy, do I have lots to cover!
We start with one of the many ways that Feminism hurts men, which is degrading advertising. This not only includes ads alluding to men’s incompetence, but also those “woke” commercials that imply that all men are toxic.
(It’s ironic how men are supposedly both dumb are useless yet capable of oppressing women and holding them back. So which is it, Feminists? That’s right: Neither.)
Then we explore the War on Men, which stems from a culture that for years seems to be battling men and masculinity in general. This includes schools–where boys can’t act like normal boys anymore–the workplace, academia, families, and more facets of society.
Last but not least I touch on a networking app where men are invited but not really, and how its attempts at furthering women in the workplace might end up biting them in their a$$ because it’s actually creating more divisions. It’s contradicting its own goal of furthering equality.
After delving into the ways that feminists oppress men, I end with a short story that encapsulates how smart men are dealing with all the nonsense, and I call on women–and feminists in particular–to take a page out of men’s handbook and quit their whining.
Keep in mind that men don’t need to and shouldn’t be lumped into a group of bad apples just because some Feminists feel that the weirdos and the Harvey Weinsteins that Hollywood worshipped for years are rampant. They’re not. Society is full of very good, strong, masculine, and real men who don’t need crutches, apps, and government policies, like those women who see themselves as damsels in distress do.
Next time we’ll review how Feminism hurts children.
Hope you enjoy this thought-provoking episode and I look forward to hearing what you think. Feel free to leave a comment or tweet me @iMouthy. Until next time, make today great!
Resources, posts, and videos mentioned in the episode:
- Tucker Carlson’s segment on The War on Men (<< That’s the Facebook version; here’s the YouTube version.)
- Prager University’s video on American school’s seeming war on boys
- Suzanne Lucas’s Inc.com article on Bumble Bizz
- That infamous Gillette ad
- “What Is A Man?” Egard Watches’s Gillette response ad
- Those Catholic Men article where the author saw he needed to take responsibility rather than lament his outcomes
Song credits
The songs played in the background of some portions of this episode are:
- Dusty Back Roads by Purple Planet Music
- Waiting Game by Purple Planet Music
- Determination by Purple Planet Music