I can probably count the reasons why I like Utah in one hand. One of those reasons is the fact that (at least in my hometown of Salt Lake City) there is a plethora of Olympic venues (thank you, 2002 Olympics) that you can visit and take pictures of just because. (Yay!)
And we did just that during the first weekend of 2014. There may be another reason as to why we’re so busy documenting the “cool” things Utah has to offer that I may not be ready to share with you just yet ;), so for now rest assured that if you’re an avid sports fan (which we’re not, haha), Utah will have you covered.
But as long as I can pose, smile, and most importantly, document my being somewhere, I’ll be happy.
Why don’t you check out the VIDEO version of this post (AKA a quasi vlog) I created it with the help of Moxtra*? It’s called Hometown Tourists and you can watch it below:
You can also watch the video version of this post called Hometown Tourists on Moxtra. I hope you enjoy it!!

This is near the entrance of the Olympic Park pictured above.
We took maybe a handful of family photos that day. (Here are some of us in Park City from last year-ish.) Clearly not enough!!
So as to not “waste” my getup and makeup (and beat the boredom that was slowly creeping in), I set out to do something I rarely do: Take selfies. In the car. (And then, of course, I got a bit carsick.)

At the Utah Olympic Oval (where the speedskating trials took place this past weekend)
Evolution of a smile (my dad’s):
Those two make everything worth it:
Do YOU strive to take pictures everywhere or behave like tourists in your hometown?
PS: Do you know how to skate? I learned how to roller-skate when I was a kid but haven’t touched a pair of skates in maybe almost twenty years. The Olympic Oval pictured above is offering discounts on ice-skating classes, and I asked my mom if skating is one of those things that just comes back to you even after years of not doing any. So what do you think: Should I enroll in those classes or just wait until whenever I go to an ice rink to try out my skills?
*This post was brought to you in part by Moxtra, a FREE super cool app that lets you create online “binders” (or in my case videos) with photos, documents, etc., on your computer, iOS and/or Android device. Create your own free video today at Moxtra.com.
ohmigoodness you’re adorable. a vlog! how fun! plus, i’m an annie too – HI!
Haha hi Annie! It’s nice to officially meet you and I’m glad you liked my vlog :D. HI!!
(I’m also happy my blog now automatically shares commenters’ recent posts b/c it allowed me to discover YOUR blog, which is so cute! Following it!)