You guys, this is JUST. LOVELY.
I first spotted it on Glamour’s Smitten blog and soon realized I HAD to share it with you. (So find the video below!)
A few warnings though:
– Make sure you have tissues on hand. No, really.
– I meant it with the tissues.
– Seriously: get some!
– Why am I being so annoying? Because generally when people tell me to grab tissues, I tend to not pay attention to them. I mean, how can these strangers know what makes me cry? (Although, for the record, both Finding Nemo and The Lion King make me bawl…) However, the end of this beautiful story is one case where tissues would come in handy.
So get ready…
Remember the ice-cream-at-night part? THAT, ladies (and gents?) was my breaking point (and the reason for my tissue warnings). I mean my parents, who have been married for almost 30 years (I knooow!!) still have some cute rituals. For instance, my mom loves to bring my dad the occasional treat (including ice cream) in bed, and even though he’s not as poetic or as romantic as Danny, just to know that he feels (or could feel) that same way is so precious. Love him.
Definitely makes me think twice about genuinely treasuring each chance I get to do favors for my parents and loved ones.
So tell me: What did you think about it? :)
And have a fantabulous second-ish week of November! Thanksgiving is near!