So Magic Mike is coming out this weekend:
But I’m a little hesitant about seeing it. No, it’s not b/c I have reservations for seeing a bunch of hot men (not too many gals would, I think) but rather because I have reservations for seeing these men in particular stripping. Here is what I mean:
– Channing Tatum: Married
– Matthew McConaughey: Married
– Matthew Bomer: Gay (No, I don’t want to crush on a gay guy regardless of how damningly cute he is–this one’s cuuuute tho.) and married/”partnered”
So the three main stars are, in one way or another, unavailable, i.e., NOT available. For anyone else than their significant others.
Oh but Channing used to be a stripper! So wouldn’t it be fun to watch him do what he used to do?
Ew no… I mean yes, but he’s married so no. He met the beautiful and deserving gal who’d become his wife while shooting a movie, after all! Why want her guy?
What a prude, Annie! Live a little! Like the married men!
See, the timing of this movie’s release is coincidentally funny for two reasons.
1. Tony Almeida
My fam and I recently started watching 24 (all the way from the beginning! We can’t get enough) and, up until the end-ish of the first season, I strongly disliked Agent Tony Almeida (he was the goody-two-shoes who’d never help Jack! We weren’t fans of his). Then during the 2nd season, he started to fall for fellow agent Michelle Dressler and, suddenly, we got to see Tony’s softer reserved lovey-dovey side. I began to notice I looked forward to not necessarily know how Jack would save the day, but rather to see Tony and where he’d take his relationship.
But that show’s kind of old (well at least its 2nd season is) and I hadn’t seen the guy who played Almeida elsewhere in a long time so I forgot about my, um, small obsession. That was UNTIL I saw Carlos Barnard (that’s him btw) play a small part in the latest episode of the new Dallas. Needless to say, I was floored :). But before continuing to feed my crush, I IMDB’d him a little. And I found out that he speaks Spanish fluently (yay!) BUT he’s both almost 50 (my how time flies!) AND married. Yes, RIP crush on Carlos Barnard.
2. Charlie Eppes
Along with 24, we also started watching Numb3rs, where I discovered that college professors (i.e., maybe future colleagues?) can be hot. Enter David Krumholtz (remember him from 10 Things I Hate About You? So cute!) who plays Charlie Eppes, a math professor who helps the police (where his bro works) solve crimes.
After crushing on this fake prof for a while I wanted to know if the actor who played him was single. Turns out he’s not. Bye-bye-bye crush on David K. Bittersweetness…
So what’s your point?
My point is that I don’t get why it’s acceptable to covet married men. Our society is one where, in some cases, women play on no-so-intelligent men’s insecurities. As a woman, I’d argue that a gal can seduce any man (girl power!) but I think it’s disgusting when women think a man who’s already taken can still be theirs. (Fortunately for my [day] dreams, Zachary Levi, Adam Levine, Nick Carter, among others, are still single*.)
[*2015 Update: Neither of them are now!]
The fact that they’re not average Joes shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Yes, they’re practically marketed as available, but they’re first and foremost men who made a (hopefully unbreakable) commitment to their loving wives/fiancées/girlfriends.
Don’t we deserve someone who’s just for us? Why not be happy with who we have (and if we don’t have anyone yet, then why not cherish the moment)?
Relax, it’s just a movie…
Good point. But as we all know, movies both influence and reflect societal phenomena. So if you’re smart, you’ll see Mike as Mike–and not as former stripper Channing. I know that’s what I’ll do if I go see it :)
Um, hello, not everyone in Magic Mike is married!
You’re right! There are a couple of seemingly single hunks–among them is one who goes by the name of Joe Manganiello. Yum! Though at around my ex’s age (he’s younger actually), I guess I’ll just admire from afar b/c age is not just a number…
What do YOU think? Do you like any married actors or has my rant helped you somewhat you re-evaluate?