FYI: Semi-angry post ahead :).
I was watching a Coronavirus-related video recently where an anesthesiologist who I normally like and whose (non-medical) videos are usually fun to watch seemed to get whiny about how her job suddenly feels too dangerous and how those who don’t work in the medical field shouldn’t buy equipment like those N95 masks for their protection because “they don’t need them,” whereas medical employees do.
In the video, which I couldn’t finish because I got sick of the arrogance and I really wanted to give her a peace of my mind, she also claimed that painting companies and others who wear those hazmat-type suits can donate them to hospitals where they’re needed more.
Yeah, sure, let’s leave them to breathe in toxic fumes and come into contact with poisonous substances because of your employer’s negligence.
Oh, and that only those bus drivers who transport medical staff are entitled to those masks, not anyone else who transports others.
Pretty selfish of you, if you ask me.
I was so fed up with her for trying to tell me that my life, the life of the baby I’m carrying (SURPRISE, readers! Our family and friends know but I won’t be revealing much else about it on my blog or its social media), and the lives of my relatives aren’t as valuable, that I just paused it after a few minutes and switched to an episode of Sister Wives because at least they’re entertaining and their Flagstaff antics suit my quarantined butt better than all the fear-mongering going around.
No, doctors, nurses, and other medical practitioners: YOUR LIVES ARE NOT MORE VALUABLE THAN SOMEONE ELSE’S.
You want to know what happens when I get the flu? I stay in bed for a few days and get better. Sometimes I go to my local urgent care clinic and get Tamaflu and other times I just let it be.
You want to know what can happen if I get the flu as a pregnant woman? I have to go to the hospital because it’s not just me anymore: My baby’s life could also be at risk. From a mere flu!
So now you mean to tell me that I can’t wear a mask to protect us both simply because your employer didn’t have the wherewithal to plan accordingly and get you all better prepared a while back? Or that you can’t afford more of those masks and suits yourselves with your six-figure salaries? Or better yet: Can’t you outsource them and have those supplies be 3D-printed elsewhere?
(And not that it’s a competition, but since you started it, I’m currently two people in one, so it’s not just me in my body anymore. Now continue on about how your singular life is more valuable and deserves more care than the two or more pregnant women currently account for and for whom an innumerable amount of restrictions have been placed at medical facilities all over the country.)
Or are you complaining now because your jobs suddenly got dangerous and stressful–even though there have always been far more dangerous and stressful jobs out there–and you don’t see those workers whining about their work conditions?
What about the pilots, truck drivers, grocery store employees, and all others who are working verrry hard to ensure your families are fed and provided for every day with the goods they transport and handle? Are you better than them? Are you more deserving of equipment than them?
Even though if THEY get sick because they didn’t wear a mask (despite feeling like they could but being told they didn’t need one!), they’ll overwhelm your facilities?
Or how about bus drivers in general, incl. those who work for the city or their local schools, and who are exposed to potentially sick people and “asymptomatic carriers” every day? Are they less valuable than drivers in the medical field and therefore not worthy of your sacred masks?
The answer is NO. Or just ask anyone outside of your immediate family. My husband will tell you his life matters more than yours; that my life and our baby’s matter more than yours. I’ll even tell you my family’s lives matter more than yours.
I appreciate what you do, of course.
Aside from the few doctors who systematically injured my back last year, I think you’re the bee’s knees. But you’re not gods. You’re not to be worshipped and you’re not supernatural, so don’t come out and claim that equipment that can protect you isn’t appropriate for the protection of others, or rather, for others to prevent their potential illnesses.
Additionally, just like those who do their jobs voluntarily like the Military, teachers, First Responders, police officers, jail wardens, and other valuable members of society, you chose your field. If you’re not ready to continue, you can quit.
OR you can continue to be warriors and fight this thing with the brains, brawn, and blood that made (at least some of) you ideal candidates for this field and these crises. Make your own masks, buy your own suits, 3D-print that stuff, and tackle this thing head on like the m-effin doctors you were oh-so-proud to have become back on the day.
I, on the other hand, will continue growing a human inside of me DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC and I’ll keep making the best of it. I think that’s pretty badass, if you ask me.
In sum, you’re not better than the rest of us so quit acting like it. We’ll continue taking the necessary precautions, but just like those who ignorantly claim Americans don’t need guns, don’t forbid me from doing what I think is best for my family and I.
(And no, for the record, we haven’t bought such masks or suits since this whole thing started.)