When it comes to political correctness, I’m more on the “Who cares?” side. Sometimes, I do expect a little courtesy and don’t want to offend, but for the most part, it’s mostly “Meh!”
Like that woman who made a video in which she was allegedly fat shaming others? Sorry not sorry but she said what almost everyone has on their mind. Also, shaming starts within: Let others’ words slide and you’ll be fine!
And then there’s Coke. Or rather Donald Trump.
A number of weeks ago, he said something that a LOT of people took issue with. He was so demonized after that, that celebs all seemed to have rallied against him and in favor of those he supposedly hurt.
What was this ugly thing he said?? It was basically along the lines of, “Some illegal immigrants are bad people.”
WHOA WHOA WHOA. Basically all hell broke loose over a completely true statement that our freakishly politically correct (PC) system (that’s so PC about non-issues, yet so wrong about friggin killing unborn babies) was, for the longest time, seemingly hiding.
Now if you live most of the time OUTSIDE of the U.S., let me brake it to you: yes, there are bad–VERY bad–people here. Some of them happen to be immigrants, and some of them are undocumented.
Yes, this country’s amazing and a complete 180 vs. where I come from (although where I was raised was very nice because my family could afford it, but still), for which we’re beyond fortunate. BUT. Some of the worst crimes are in fact instigated by none other than undocumented immigrants.
As someone who’s been living here for almost 13 years, I’ll submit to you that that’s the truth and Trump was just merely starting a conversation. A well-timed conversation, that is.
(While we’re at it, I’m sure your abuelita is an angel and that your Hispanic family’s the definition of hardworking. But I won’t say that about the gang member down the street from your neighborhood, who may have immigrated from L. America and may be here illegally. Now is Trump still wrong??)
Did his words get twisted and taken out of context by the (mostly Liberal) Hispanic media? Absolutely.They’re so skilled at taking things out of context and appealing to those who shouldn’t get a vote. Why? It beats me. Actually, my family has a theory BUT it’s not too PC :), so I’ll abstain from disclosing it here for now. (#Ironic.)
This all brings me to a new Coke ad targeting Hispanics that a (perhaps ignorant–bless her heart) Colombian friend shared on FB recently.
In the ad, titled, “Un mensaje a Trump de Coke”(??) (“A message to Trump from Coke”), a Coca-Cola truck is delivering soda cans with Hispanic last names around a neighborhood as their future recipients are talking about how much their last name means to them.
But, oh no: the last names don’t look right: they’re inverted on the can…so that when you pull it off, it reveals that it’s a TATTOO of your last name!! Cue the cheesy montage of people actually sticking fake tattoos of their last names. #classy..not. Newsflash to the dude proudly sticking his on his neck: Gang members wear tattoos on their necks.
This is where political correctness gets in wrong:
- Apparently Coke was IGNORANT enough to think that ONLY people with Hispanic-sounding last names are worthy of being considered Latino.
- Coke was also NARROW-MINDED enough to cast a small segment of Latino-looking individuals.
Why those are wrong:
1. The last names:
1A) Me. Hi, I’m Annie Paul. Born and raised in Colombia, where our entire lineage comes from.
1B) Vicente Fox, former Mexican president.
1C) Two Colombian friends of ours with German last names; most of their lineage is also Colombian.
1D) Chinese-Colombians whose last names just aren’t stereotypically Hispanic.
..Need I go on?
2. The looks:
2A) Me. Read 1A above.
2B) Those same Colombian gals, whose blonder than blonde hair and skin color makes you question their entirely almost Hispanic lineage. (And who, like me, frankly are more Latino than Chicanos. Yup, I went there.)
2C) Chinese-, Japanese-, Indian-, Haitian- (etc.) Colombians (or Argen, who don’t also look stereotypically Latino.
The thing is that by purposefully hiding facts and appealing only to a small segment of a segment of a segment (…) of a population, the (Hispanic) media is frankly decimating its own followers’ intellect.
And the worst part is that it’s passing these biases and half-truths on to OTHER South and Central American countries, where people who don’t get ALL the coverage we get here start commenting like they know it all (but they don’t) or join fictitious media-created causes to rally behind Hispanics WHEN TRUMP SAID NOTHING (BAD) ABOUT US AS A GROUP.
So let’s stop being so politically correct and start conversations. Let’s stop being so ignorant and start reading and listening to all the facts, not just the biased, out-of-context stuff that some outlets need to put out there.
What’s your stance on political correctness? What are some things that have been said that you agree or don’t disagree with?
PS- Donald Trump may or may not be the candidate I choose, come Election Day. I don’t know yet, to be honest. However, if I knew I don’t think I’d tell you anyways :).