[UPDATE: Since I wrote this post, I’ve rebranded again. This time to ANNIE SAID IT. This name better matches what I’m about.]
That’s right, everyone, The Ranting Latina is no longer.
I’ve been toying around with the idea of transitioning to another blog name perhaps since I got engaged in November 2015. Although my fiancé (FH) could care less about social media or blogs (hence why he lacks both), I somehow wanted my blog’s potential new name to commemorate me not being “in the market” anymore, and in a lifelong commitment.
“Once I get married,” I thought, “I’ll want to show off being married and incorporate our future family in my blog name.”
And then I realized that FH is very private, as is the rest of his family, so the idea of adding their last name to my blog’s new name was out.
Then something corny like “His Ranting Latina” (based off the blog name “His Little Lady”) was also starting to sound quite appealing. In fact, that name had been at the back of my mind for years (even before I met FH) as a good candidate.
But something kept nagging at me. I wanted something better.
At around the same time, mid 2016, politics started to get dirty in this country, and Hispanics were becoming a stronger topic of discussion.
Since we moved here in 2002, my family’s been against self-discriminating. No one discriminates against us because we don’t discriminate against ourselves. We came here to become Americans–not Colombians living in the USA. As such, we also believe in staying outside of and away from groups designed for Hispanics. To us, there shouldn’t be “Latino this” or “Hispanic Chamber of that.” We’re Americans, first and foremost, and as such, we value and take pride in assimilating into the culture that adopted us.
You can hopefully see where I’m going with this.
My blog’s former name, “The Ranting Latina,” was basically telling the world, “I’M HISPANIC!”
I’m not ashamed of being Hispanic (on the contrary!), but I just don’t believe in shouting that off from the rooftops anymore.
And you may be guessing where I’m going with that…
A coworker asked me recently, “So when Trump won, were you and your family afraid…?” And I was alike, “Nope! We’re citizens! [Moreover, it helps that we speak fluent English and look more White than Latino.]”
So I didn’t change my blog’s name out of fear, but rather, out of a desire to GROW creatively and out of others’ perceptions and stereotypes. (Plus, I love my first name.)
I changed my blog’s name from The Ranting Latina to XO, Annie because I wanted to be more than just a Latina and more than just a Latina who rants.
What’s ironic is that years ago, when I changed it to TRL I considered myself a quiet gal who just needed an online outlet to vent, talk, rant. Now, not so much. I’ll still talk and vent and rant (because why not?), but I’m more than a Latina who talks and vents and rants.
I’m a proud and blessed American, (non-entitled) Millennial, Conservative, Catholic woman (<< sounds oxymoronic but we do exist!). I’m Hispanic, but that’s not all that defines me. Hence why you’re now reading XO, Annie.
Do you like the name? If you have a blog, have you ever changed its name? Thanks for stopping by and have a good one!