Though it’s not as rampant as with the Left, Conservatives also seem to lack common sense sometimes.
The most recent example is the groupthink among many Conservative personalities who’ve been equating the recent Super Bowl Halftime Show to pornography, or who wonder how there can be people who hate drag queen story hour but are OK with children being sexualized by said show… even when the performances themselves had nothing to do with that.
Seriously, if you think the 2020 Super Bowl Halftime Show was pornographic, you have a pornography problem: You’re either addicted to it and see it everywhere or don’t know what pornography is. (Newsflash: It’s NOT Latin@s dancing.)

Image courtesy of CNET. (Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
On this episode, I discuss the opinions of several Conservative personalities and authors on the show. Specifically, I focus on how they’re wrong and missing the point: Mainly the fact that that’s how Latin@s dance (because we have dance and music in our blood and DNA) and you shouldn’t expect less from a performance based in Miami.
Their close-mindedness is somehow making them erroneously reason and sanctimoniously claim that two extremely talented, hard-working, and yes, sexy women, who’ve been singing and dancing for 30+ years, were in the wrong by dancing and dressing the way they did for a show IN MIAMI.
Miami: As in the country’s Latino hub. Where men and women wear WAY less to go out in public.
Moreover, another problem I have with this groupthink is how it all somehow revolves around the sake of the children watching. As if kids nowadays weren’t savvy enough to look things up on their own!
Newsflash #2: If your boy is 10 and has never seen a lady in a bathing suit or a bathing-suit-like getup, that’s YOUR fault. The NFL knew that two talented and internationally acclaimed women with a history of singing up a storm and shaking their stuff would attract lots of viewers–it’s not up to a company focused on profits to regulate how you educate (or fail to educate, in this case) your kids! If more boys grew up knowing what women’s bodies looked like (and no, I don’t mean naked bodies), which starts at the home, they’d be less intent on discovering it for themselves without a woman’ consent when they’re older, if you get my drill.
Oh, but about the girls?! Newsflash #3: Latin American girls grow up watching Shakira and JLo; we grow up dancing like them and wanting to be like them. Yet somehow we don’t all become sluts when we’re older (GASP!). Latin@s revere femininity and women’s bodies enough to respect them and cherish them in all contexts. We grow up learning what it’s like to display them in a healthy way, and Latin American boys grow up learning what bodies look like and the appropriate contexts in which to touch them.
It seems like many boys born and raised in the USA lack this education, as exemplified by all the pathetic pearl-clutching by American parents. It’s like they count on a TV show to educate their sons and daughters so they don’t have to. Kind of explains why many parents also rely on teachers and schools–so they don’t have to raise their families.
Again, it’s pathetic. And not at all how we’ll be as parents. Our children will grow up with healthy attitudes towards people’s bodies, they’ll also grow up knowing not only how to dance well–like Latin@s–but also that watching people dance incredibly on screen is nothing to be scared or ashamed of. (Unless it’s “interpretive dancing,” because that non-dance crap SUCKS.)
Before I make this post longer than it needs to be (esp. considering that some of what I wrote above goes beyond what I discussed on the episode!), here are the things I mentioned in the actual episode for your reference:
- The Intellectual Takeout article equating the show to pornography, written by a guy who had recently graduated college in with an insignificant BA and didn’t know what he was talking about.
- The Twitter thread started by political commentator and podcast host Sara Gonzales on how the show was like a strip club performance. I can see how ignorant people–or those too obsessed with “purity” can think that, sure.
Next time I want to watch a halftime show like that, I’ll just take my family straight to the strip club.
— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) February 3, 2020
- Previous Intentionally Mouthy episodes on the dangers of modern “Feminism.”
- Previous Annie Said So posts related to Dr. Laura.
And lastly, here are old music videos of Shakira’s and JLo’s–so you can rest assured that what they were doing at the Halftime Show was nothing new:
- Shakira with her snake-like (or snake charmer?) dance moves and actual snake. (Note: That infamous rope paid tribute to this video–not any bondage crap the Intellectual Takeout writer seems to be obsessed with. Also, the video is from 1998.):
- Shakira half-naked dancing on a pole… almost TEN YEARS AGO: (The song is from 2010.)
- Shakira all seductive with another dude in a music video from 2009-2010:
- Shakira dancing sexily again in this video from 2001-2002:
- And who could forget her sexy dancing and clothing from this 2001-2002 video?
Feel free to look up more examples because there are plenty. Now let’s do a few for JLo!
- Here’s JLo sexy-dancing on a bed, etc. back in 1999-2000:
- JLo again sexy-dancing, but in a bikini in a 2001 music video:
- JLo sexy-dancing and moving once more in 2000, this time on a beach, OH MY:
- More “scandalous” beach dancing by JLo for a 2011 video:
- JLo in 1999 wearing almost nothing while dancing, WHAT?
Yes, JLo’s been at it for MANY years, too, and people didn’t mind before now!
Parents, drop your pearls and over-sensitivities and either don’t show these videos or live performances to your children IF you’d rather be lazy and not educate them properly, OR take some time to raise them to respect a woman’s body from the get-go so they don’t get funny ideas later on.
And as always, if you choose to get offended, I don’t care.
With that, I leave you for now! I have some sweet news to share (part of why I’ve been absent from here since August!) with you but haven’t made up my mind as to when to do it so until then, make today great!