I know, I know… It’s been a WHILE since I posted on my blog, huh? (Thank my school + grad school apps + a blog move for my absence…)
Well I’m baaack and this post is an invitation for y’all to check out my brand spankin new home in blogland!! Not much has changed–other than it’s NOT on Blogger anymore and it’s got fancier WordPressy thingies… >> Tiny changes, really :P!
Allright, if the little intro above didn’t give it away, I did indeed decide to move to WordPress for a few reasons (namely, ownership of my stuff, getting others to find it, and a geeky passion for customizing and getting under the hood of things*) that I’ll definitely describe more in detail in a later post. (*Ironically, I don’t yet have ANY “under-the-hood” knowledge of cars :/.)
So WELCOME BACK to those of you who’ve been with me for some time, and WELCOME to any new lovelies! I look forward to this ride and I’m excited for what lies ahead.
And of course, this post’s title was practically begging for KISS’s New York Groove :) >>