Group giveaways: Do you love or loathe them?

… On my new website, ONESEVENTWELVE.
After a few years of being around blogland I’ve learned three things that most group giveaways do wrong AND have even come up with three things that can be corrected.
Let’s start the year off right by having group giveaways that people will actually enjoy, shall we?
Wanna learn how? Then check out my post, “Group Giveaways Need To Change Now,” on my brand spankin’ NEW small-business marketing blog, ONESEVENTWELVE :D. (It may not have much content now because I launched it a few weeks ago, but trust me: I have plenty of ideas–and posts–in mind or drafted already, so not to worry!)
Any thoughts on group giveaways in general??
Ooo… I’m excited about this new website! I’m going to go over there right now! :)
Awesome, Amberly! I saw it and will replyright now. THANK YOU :D!!
Off to check out the new blog but my thoughts on group giveaways – I like them but they’re a P.I.T.A. I don’t want to follow 74616 different bloggers I’ve never read before. And when those are required that just tells me that they’re in it for the numbers and I don’t enter at all.
Totally. There’s nothing wrong w/being in it just for the numbers (actually, no, there is!) but by making it into a chore (I just saw your other comment–thanks!!) you’re practically flipping off fellow readers. That’s why I happily flip them off in return and, like you, I don’t enter!
Thanks for stopping by, girl!!