I’m not what you might call “high-maintenance” when it comes to makeup. My makeup routine consists pretty much of a bit of concealer, some powder foundation, bronzer, blush and mascara (though that’s rare). If you think about it, that’s a lot by some girls’ standards, though; a couple friends of mine rarely even wear any makeup!
However, despite my “economical” makeup habits, I like trying out new things to make my routine even more special BUT my college-student budget (and schedule) makes this somewhat difficult.
Enter Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Tinted Moisturizer.
Again, when it comes to makeup, I’m relatively low-maintenance, for some reason. I mean even though I like it to look pretty, I usually don’t pay TOO MUCH attention to how my face looks. Well, at least not now in my early 20s.
You see, attending an all-girls private school while growing up in Colombia made it so that I never even needed to worry about makeup for two reasons: 1) It wasn’t allowed (yes, seriously); and 2) there weren’t any boys, which meant that none of us would need any extra attention and we were all pretty much equal…
But it all changed when we moved to the States: Suddenly I started noticing that girls had a bit of color on their cheeks, the areas under their eyes weren’t as dark, and that their lashes seemed darker and more full. Hm…
So I gave in to the nonexistent peer pressure and started wearing blush. And I felt prettier. : )
Then somewhere around the time I was in high school (maybe after my Junior (?) year, judging by my yearbook pictures), I discovered under-eye concealer and Hallelujah! And then (maybe during my Senior year or once I was in College?), I started wearing some bronzer here and there, the occasional eye shadow, powder foundation, etc., to try new things.
And that’s when I thought I was done experimenting; Finally, I had a pretty easy routine to follow and good products to settle on for the rest of my life (excluding special occasions, obviously, which absolutely warrant some liquid foundation, more mascara and shadow, etc.).
Wow, I just realized how easy guys have it! :P
Which is why Aveeno’s Tinted Moisturizer couldn’t have arrived at a better time. I think it was unknowingly designed for us gals who aren’t fuzzy about their makeup routines as it works to not only act as a liquid foundation (in my opinion), but also both moisturize and protect against damaging UVA/UVB rays (after all, it’s also a sunscreen w/SPF 30).
Seriously, if you’re looking for a messy tinted moisturizer, then Aveeno’s is definitely not for you! The main reason why I love it is because it does soo much! And at $17, that’s like getting all three products (moisturizer, foundation, and sunscreen) for roughly $5 each. Which, in my super-thrifty, college-budget book is a GREAT bargain!
One thing I would recommend y’all, though, is to NOT use too much of it per application (it is tinted, after all, so make sure you treat it as makeup). Thankfully, its pump makes it easy to determine how much you’ve used, but still, you may want to avoid using more than a half-in. squirt per area. In other words, you could apply one squirt for both (i.e., NOT PER cheek) cheeks, another for both your forehead and chin, and a last one for your neck (don’t forget to BLEND!). At that rate, I promise you won’t be running out anytime soon, which is great for your wallet.
In sum, this multitasking gem is softer than foundation, more makeup-y than your good ol’ moisturizer, and way cooler than your bland sunscreen, and I look forward to the extra oomph/je-ne-sais-quoi it gives me after each use. After all, I don’t wear liquid foundation much because of its less-than-great effects on my skin, so this liquid-foundation-like product makes me feel not only special but also as though I were doing something good for my face and neck. Plus, it’s very smooth and non-greasy.
(One last recommendation: Since it comes in two shades, make sure you pick the right one for your skin tone. I got the Medium kind, so I’ve had to spend quite some time blending and blending w/e/use.)
This moisturizer is oil-free, hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.
I received products in exchange for my giveaway as part of the Latino & Latina Lifestyle Bloggers Collective campaign agreement for the Johnson & Johnson Entre Tu Y Yo Campaign.