On this episode I address modern-day Feminism and the monster that it’s turned to, which those of us with common sense have come to love to hate.
Plus I introduce the next few episodes, where I’ll discuss how modern feminism has been hurting men, women, and children for years.
Keep this in mind: If what you want is betterment in your life, then YOU take the first step, instead of creating chaos and inciting crowds for worthless causes, which DOESN’T lead to change.
Here are the resources I mentioned on the episode:
- Here’s the first article I mentioned–the one that states that young men are giving up on marriage because “women aren’t women anymore.”
- And here’s more on the war on men with author Suzanne Venker, whose research that article quotes as well.
- This is the Pew report cited in that article, which reports that over half of U.S. adults aren’t married (a record low).
- Learn from other women who don’t need Feminism. (You may be required to have a Tumblr account and allow Tumblr to show you the content: Remember the mainstream media doesn’t want you to read common-sense opinions nowadays so you’ll find this hurdle an inconvenient but worthwhile one to jump through!)
- And in case you wanted to read from more women who are against Feminism, here you go.
Team Cookie Co. is the Utah cookie delivery company I mentioned. I don’t have a discount code (at least not yet!) but here’s its website: https://teamcookieco.com. They told me their brick-and-mortar shop is closed as they take care of their growing delivery and catering business but they’ll consider re-opening it after the right amount of orders take place :).
Thanks for listening, and until next time, make today great!