I thought the era of Trump meant the end to political correctness. I envisioned people being able to say X or Y, cordially agreeing to disagree, and that’d be the end of it.
But no. It looks like society began getting even crazier after the ultimate PC guy–President Obama–left the White House.
NOW people include their “preferred pronouns” in their profiles, make it “racist” to raise and appreciate our Flag, and admonish those who call for facts and evidence before believing all victims.
As you know, political correctness has never been my strong suit. I tell it like it is.
If you get offended, that’s on you. As it turns out: Offense is taken–NOT given.
So if I say X and you (CHOOSE to) get offended, too bad. Be an adult and go on with your life.
But for the Woke Left, this is IMPOSSIBLE. They were raised to demand participation trophies and made-up pronouns, so naturally they can’t stand it when someone tells them the truth.
They get their “feelings” hurt. The truth is like daggers to them, I guess. And when they CHOOSE to feel hurt, then you must pay.
Nevermind the fact that facts absolutely DO NOT CARE about your feeeelings.
Oh no, if their feelings get hurt, ohmygoooodness, prepare yourself because they will complain and they will act like absolute children who assume they’re the center of the universe and can’t deal with the reality that they’re a mere grain of sand in this game we call life and that their feelings don’t matter.
Even when they’re adults. Actually, no, especially when they’re adults!
If you get offended, that's on you. As it turns out: Offense is taken–NOT given. Click To TweetBecause seriously, kids let things fester, right? They throw tantrums and go out of their way to show you they’re so (sometimes hilariously) mad at something!
But what do mature people do? They take those mere words and IGNORE them. Or if they really had an issue with it, they reach out personally to the person and address their issues. They handle things like adults.
Kind of like if your preferred pronoun is Whatever, don’t force the government to compel me to use it. Instead, simply tell me and I’m happy to oblige so you feel comfortable. (Some Conservatives disagree with this approach, btw, because, they argue, it furthers your delusion. But I’m not like that. I treat others the way I want to be treated so if you want me to call you “Strawberry,” fine! Just let me know.)
Unless it’s an extreme circumstance, appealing to a higher authority, a crowd, social media, or simply something that’s above you because you were too chicken to handle it yourself makes YOU look like a child, like the boy who cried Wolf and was too concerned with making up problems where there weren’t any. (But you know what happens to that boy in the end, right?)
And when someone thinks of you as a child, they won’t take you seriously and may abide by what you want only to appease you and shut you up.
So that’s my opinion, honestly. PC culture is so maddening sometimes because they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that THEY are right and handling things like adults is too rough or not worthwhile.
That’s why I think someone’s comeback after a person CHOOSES to get offended at something that was said–which may have been definitely, not even one bit meant to offend–should be “I’m sorry IF you got offended” or “I’m sorry IF I offended you.” Or if you really want to make a point, it could even be, “I’m sorry you’re not strong enough to handle the truth and deal with that fact like an adult.”
Because sometimes people just. need. to. hear. it. straight!
Kind of like this guy, Chad Prather. In his videos, he gives it to viewers straight: If they get offended, that’s too bad.
Which makes them so refreshing in this day and age.
Like when Mario Lopez correctly stated that three year-old kids SHOULDN’T be making decisions–let alone deciding anything related to their sexuality.
The Left (predictably) attacked him for stating something that made sense… and what did he do? HE APOLOGIZED.
Like a wuss, a dummy or a marionette who lacks any free will or the courage to deal with modern idiots, he APOLOGIZED; he gave in to the crazies.
He didn’t even say, “I’m sorry IF I offended you” or “I apologize that you’re all nuts and can’t handle the truth and common sense.” Instead, he promised he’d be “more sensitive” in the future.
Like a moron!
I mean at least if his apology placed the responsibility back on those who CHOSE to get offended, then great. But he couldn’t even do that.
Whew, you can tell I’m fired up about this. (And in case you couldn’t yet, hear more about my take on my podcast episode about feminism and children: Listen here.)
Anyways, back to Prather (pronounced Pray-ther), who totally destroys Mario in his response to that apology. Watch it below: (I transcribed parts of it, too.)
The other day, actor and TV host Mario Lopez got into trouble for saying that 3YO children should be allowed by their parents to choose their own gender.
Folks on the Left just about peed their britches… and called him out, saying he’s a transphobe and suggesting he should be fired from his TV job. Some nutjob even edited his Wikipedia page to reflect the righteous firestorm of approbation that must always be directed at those who dare step outside the woke narrative of our time!
And Mario apologized, of course, as that’s what people do after reeling backwards and getting a good luck at the long, fat, gigantic pile of [poop] he managed to step in. He promised that he was going to work at “educating” himself going forward and be “more sensitive.”
I guess nobody ever told Mario Lopez that the way you deal with a schoolyard bully isn’t to apologize for making him want to bully you: that’s not how that works! The best thing you can do for that bully is to send him home with his teeth in a Ziploc bag so he gets the message loud and clear that you’re not to be trampled with.
Now Lopez, what he SHOULD have done is stand up to the tyrannical tirade of idiot voices that constitutes the majority of Hollywood and tell them to stick their complaints where even Oscar won’t go.
Instead, he CAVED! And the point that he was trying to make was once again lost, even though it was a very important one, and here it is: you ready folks?
We don’t let our three-year olds decide ANYTHING!
Look here, wokey-wokers: Little kids are cute but they’re DUMB! Their belts don’t go through all the loops. Anything you let them decide for themselves at THAT age is going to be a disaster!
Your three year-old doesn’t know gender from genocide and couldn’t be less interested in it no matter what you see them doing while they’re playing! They’re just touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to learning what it means to even be a human being, let alone developing a sexual identity.
So chill, folks! You’re a new kind of special if you think that kids have the slightest idea about any of that. Then again, this country seems to have quite the infestation of that brand of specialties these days; you see it everywhere!
What’s next, proud prognosticators of the morally pusillanimous progressive party? You’re gonna let these toddlers sign up for a sub-prime mortgage and create a housing bubble, maybe sign a petition in favor of carbon taxes? How about some doctor-assisted suicide form if they get an ouchie and they’re feeling blue?
I mean, give me a break!
So listen up, Mario Lopez, ‘cuz I know you’re watching! I get it, that you’re worried about being run out of town for having any kind of thought that even slightly deviates from what the Woke Left wants you to think, but here’s the deal: The world moves in cycles; society starts in flames, it ends in flames, and right before that second part it generally gets to a place where things are so decadent, that the worst problems we have are the ones… (Are you ready for it? Hang on…)
… The ones we make up, just so we can have some problems!
It’s important to stand up for what you believe in and hold firm when the pressure is on you to take back something you said!
When you know it’s right, it’s right.
As for the rest of you, just remember this: you can’t trust 3YOs about anything. They’re like politicians: Right about the time you decide they’re pretty and sweet, they take a crap on your leg.
I love y’all, God bless you, hang in there, Mario!
Take a look at the part I bolded:
It’s important to stand up for what you believe in and hold firm when the pressure is on you to take back something you said!
Here it is again, in case you want to tweet it:
It's important to stand up for what you believe in and hold firm when the pressure is on you to take back something you said! –Chad Prather Click To TweetIt doesn’t get any simpler than that!
Ahh, how about we end the post right there. I think you get it, right?
Everyone, keep being awesome and keep standing up for what you believe in.
If something bothers you, address it like an adult. If it’s the truth, take a step back and work on yourself: perhaps that person is seeing something you’re sadly not seeing in yourself yet! If it “hurts,” study why: Or simply ignore the person who said it because if their opinion isn’t true (according to you) AND you don’t think they’re relevant to your life, then technically what they say is also not relevant, so ignore it. Like an adult!
And don’t choose to get offended or consider them a bully (which is both silly and hilarious). Or better yet: if it “offends” you, get over it. It’s not about you; the world doesn’t rotate around you, buttercup! Life is a JOY when you let go of all the crap that you think offends you.
And as if a woodworking shop and two podcasts weren’t sufficient “side hustles,” I have HUGE, AWESOME plans coming ahead so stay tuned. Oh and here are the links to those awesome things:
- ONESEVENTWELVE (Woodworking)
- Intentionally Mouthy
- Adventures in Spanish
Take care, make today great, and thanks for stopping by!