A random lady called our company today trying to get us to advertise on her directory-like, totally unheard-of site. Very random!

(Via Cnet)
So as she was taking me through the site and telling me how wonderful it was (it’s invitation-only! oh my!), I began feeling antsy and like she was wasting my time. She proudly showed me their shady-looking blog (they don’t post actual entries; their posts are in the form of comments!) and I thought, “I gotta stop this please!”
So I put on my no-BS hat and here is how the rest of the conversation went:
LADY: (Something like) You should advertise on our site; it’d be a great resource for you.
ME: Oh yeah? How many visitors does it get?
LADY: Thousands each day, like tens of thousands each month
ME: Really? I just checked and learned you got 700 visitors last month
LADY: Oh wow.
Consumers are smart, you know? Companies like these (I won’t name names out of common decency) give Marketing a bad name and that needs to change.
GOOD Marketers want what’s best for consumers; we don’t lie to them expecting they’ll never find out the truth.
ALWAYS do your own research. Read reviews and/or testimonials. Check a site’s actual visitors. If your gut tells you a certain offer doesn’t sound right, obey your gut–not a shady marketer’s words.