If you live around here, it’s no secret to you that Utah is THE place to be in the Fall. The cold is actually quite mild and all those cute fall outfits you’ve been browsing look like they fit just right.
But if you’re not from around here, do know that Utah not only is beautiful.. It also walks the walk as it provides you with plenty to do in during this season, and lucky for you, I’m going to go over just a sampling of all those activities.
1. Hike and/or drive across Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC)
Recommended by a coworker, this is the thing to do when the temps drop down and you’re starting to get a mild yet ever-present case of wanderlust.
He says that going through LCC is really fun with all the colors. He’ll usually drive it to the end and then walk around.
2. Walk around the Avenues and daydream
The Avenues neighborhood is named after the perfectly grid-like, closely laid out roads called Avenues (named 1st through 18th) and Streets (named A through U): The lower “Avs” and streets are closer to the city center, while the higher-numbered ones are farther away. (In fact U Street and 1st Avenue are just a few blocks west of the University of Utah.)

Courtesy of Mona Stevens.
After exploring “the U” (my alma mater), I once took my boyfriend on a little adventure as we walked around the beautiful streets in this neighborhood, which are filled with some of the city’s most iconic homes. You should do the same! We just dreamed about our futures, our future family and homes, our childhoods and upbringing, and so on.
It was a great date and we learned so much!
3. Shoot zombies
There is a number of local haunted house attractions where guests get to actually “shoot” “zombies” as they meander around town from either a themed bus or their own two feet as they chase them. There are several in Utah County, Davis County, and around downtown Salt Lake City.

Courtesy of Utah Valley 360.
4. Explore Southern Utah and/or Park City (in Northeastern Utah)
Southern Utah
If you’re NOT a fan of super hot temps and often found yourself avoiding the outdoors in the middle of the Summer, you should consider checking out Saint George and Cedar City, which, although they’re usually warmer than northern Utah, begin to cool down by the time Fall arrives.

Courtesy of David Watson.
And who knows, if you decide to get married in Southern Utah, you’ll have gorgeous scenery as your background! You can also attend school in Southern Utah–I once presented at a conference at Southern Utah University, which is small and pretty.
Park City
Now, time for another story! After we had been dating for about a month, in October of last year (lol, I couldn’t help but think of the song), Chris and I decided took a mini day trip in Park City, and we went to Park City Mountain Resort to check out its Alpine Coaster and the Alpine Slide. The original plan was to also do the Zip Line, but the line was so dang log, haha!
Anyways, the hotel is located right smack in the middle of “Old Town” Park City, where you’ll also find Main Street, which is filled with cute little shops and restaurants, among plenty of walking-hand-to-hand opportunities. Chris loved it: He took lots of pics to send to his family in Alabama, and when his mom came that following Summer, they spent like a day on Main Street alone! (She likes to shop and window shop :).
5. Thanksgiving Point
Sadly, I’ve never been to Thanksgiving Point (which is about 20 minutes south of Salt Lake City) but Suzie, another colleague of mine, has, and she told me that that there are a TON of things to do there in the Fall for people of all ages..Thanksgiving Point is famous for its gardens in the Spring and its annual Tulip Festival, and apparently in the Fall, there’s pumpkin carving, a fun corn maze, coking classes, crafting sessions, and much more.

Thanksgiving Point’s 2015 Corn Maze!
There you have it! Do those not sound like a blast? If you like to take it easy, if you like more action, if you like to take lots of pictures (and selfies!)…Utah has what you need. So get out here and explore our neck of the woods!
Now tell me: What’s your favorite thing about SLC/Utah in the Fall? Or what do you like the most about where you live?
I need to do that Cottonwood Canyon drive, that’s a good idea!!! The colors are already changing too, so maybe in a couple of weeks, it will be perfect :) And we love Park City. We’re going in a few weeks and I want to do the Alpine Slide and the Coaster!
Oooh that’s awesome!! You’ll love Park City more after you go try out those attractions :D. Thanks for stopping today, dear!