Today, I came across a really cool Huffington Post Article that described 21 of the reasons as to why Colombians are the happiest people in the world.
Let’s just say I was beyond honored to read those reasons. I’m also incredibly happy that HuffPo noticed what we’ve known for decades, and I’m really humbled by how marvelously this article portrays my native country.
Here’s a summary of the reasons HuffPo came up with:
- Our megadiversity can’t be beat
- Our location is super strategic
- “Beautiful women” (oh thanks!!)
- We supply 60% of the world’s emeralds (!!)
- Our ecosystems are as varied and rich as they can be
- We have the “best coffee in the world” plus a seemingly magic river
- We also speak the “clearest Spanish in the world” (according to this report)
- We’re Latin America’s fashion capital AND the world’s Salsa (the dance–not the dip) capital
- We have the most cycle routes in Latin America AND the most national holidays
- Our “gastronomic splendor” also can’t be beat
- We’re home to Nobel-Prize-winning lit, El Dorado (!!), Fútbol (!!), crazy famous megastars, AND Fernando Botero
- We’re Latin America’s oldest democracy AND have the world’s biggest theater & Salsa festivals, the world’s biggest flower parade, AND the 2nd biggest carnival in the world
- Plus, we’re even an emerging GLOBAL player
Colombia es simplemente GENIAL!
Again, here’s the entire article/slideshow. If you’ve been to Colombia, what other reasons can you think of? (I’d add that Colombians are very hospitable as well.) Or if you haven’t been, does this list make you want to go?