Sponsored by Sears. All opinions my own.
How long ago did you do your Christmas shopping? As organized as I am, I actually haven’t finished mine and ironically, I take great pride in waiting because it means I’ll get fantastic deals. (What, everyone’s shopping habits are different!)
Disclaimer: I don’t have more than a handful of people to get presents for here because most of my friends and relatives are in Colombia. Since shipping costs can exceed the price of the item we may want to send there, they’re left with no physical reminder of our wish for a merry Christmas. (We do call them or send them all messages, though.)
There are some people, though, for whom Christmas shopping works almost like the Olympics–they prep all year and have mini tasks to accomplish and everything. They’ve mastered the science of Christmas shopping.
So if you’re not one of them, read on because these tips are for YOU:
A Holiday Super Shopper Times It Right
What’s the best day, heck, the best TIME, to get your shopping done? They’ll tell you.
A Holiday Super Shopper Has Their Stuff Ready Ahead of Time
You know those people boggling down lines as they search for something on their smartphones? They’re not shopping-savvy.
A Holiday Super Shopper Price-Matches Every Chance They Get
This is a skill I have yet to perfect–ahem, at least put into practice–but that super shoppers have down to a tee. Guess I’m not used to negotiating at big stores.
A Holiday Super Shopper Doesn’t Just Buy Something Because It’s CHEAP
I’m all about getting the most bang from my buck, but even I have been “burned” by the occasional cheapie that stops working. The best way to get around that, at least for me? Think of the price of something as an investment… Otherwise, it’s not easy to justify!
HuffPo recently published seven other tips from super shoppers that you should totally check out if you need some guidance.
My #1 Super Shopping Tip: Don’t BUY it; MAKE it!

Say HEY to our tree! We’ve made most of its ornaments. Click here to check out more of our holiday décor this year.
Yes, I’m also all about making stuff–and even food–for those I care about. I think giving away something you made is so special and meaningful, that it definitely adds even more value to your gift. So if you have the time, I’d encourage you to make your recipients something.
What can you make them? Cards, baked treats (yes, please!), ornaments (like most of the ones on our ^tree^), jewelry, gift certificates to a free meal of yours/childcare/photography expertise/design/other skills should they ever need it, mix tapes/CDs, stationary (<< my fave to make when I was little!), small baskets with the ingredients to make your favorite recipe, and the list goes on. Let me know if you’re still stumped!
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I’m not done simplifying your life this season. Those tips were great, but what about actual shopping help you might need?
Well, first, let this sink in: CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!
Not to worry, though, because Sears is making holiday shopping more merry with NEW exceptional offerings and services that make shopping easier and more convenient:
For instance, you can now shop from home (or your phone) and pick up your purchases at your local store with free store pick up, guaranteed in five minutes–still the fastest way to get your online purchases.
You can also pick-up your purchases for free with Sears’s In-Vehicle Pick Up and Return & Exchange in Five, powered by the Shop Your Way mobile app. These services let members pick up, return or exchange their online purchases for free–guaranteed in five minutes or less–without ever leaving their vehicle.
With Reserve It, members and customers can easily shop online for the latest clothes and footwear, place them on hold with just one click and then try them on in-store :O!
Expanded Free Store Pickup allows members to pick up sears.com or kmart.com orders at any of each other’s stores (more than 2,000 locations nationwide). In other words, this gives you way more convenient access to an even wider selection of your favorite brand-name products.
And last but not least, there’s Get Advice/Member Assist, a digital tool from Shop Your Way that connects members with store associates across the country at the click of a button.
See? Does Sears NOT have your back covered this holiday season? These are some great services experts somewhere came up with to restore our faith in shopping. They’re perfect for us last-minute shoppers ;)!
Tell me: Do YOU have any shopping tips we could all use?