A blessed wife and full-time mom • A proud dog mom • Introverted • Utah-based • Millennial
Latina (originally from Colombia!) • Trilingual (Español, English, Français) • Catholic
Conservative • Homebody • Old-fashioned
Someone who tells it like it is!
God • My husband • Our son • Our pup • Family
Cultures • Sweets/pastries • Our family ventures
Everything U.S.A. • Everything Colombia • Working out • Challenges
And pretty much everything else in between
What do I believe as a Catholic?
You’ll find out by reading the Nicene Creed,
which is a staple at Catholic Masses, where we all recite it.
To be a better Catholic, wife, mother, daughter, and friend
To help others
For our marriage to be a beautiful example of Christ’s love for his Church,
and for our children to be good people.
And to welcome lovely YOU into my blog :)!
- Treat others as you’d like to be treated.
- “Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they’d look forward to the ride” (Anon.)
- There’s always a reason for why stuff happens. Don’t worry about the reason–just deal with the outcome.
- Optimism (with a dash of realism) is key.
- Be someone people can trust in.
- Your parents/elders DO know better: cherish them; believe (in) them; trust them.
- You rule how you feel. And how you feel rules what happens to you.
- Don’t covet anyone else’s anything.
- Life is what you want it to be, so if you think, know, and feel it, it will come.
- What you consciously tell your subconscious about will occur.
- Read a few more of my rules to live by!

I love Vegas: This was taken after we were done checking out the Strip on the day I presented at a research conference at UNLV.
- I don’t get how college grads who choose to become nannies are OK w/having wasted time and money.
- I wish there were more people with our same values.
- I wonder how mormons can follow that “church” despite all the evidence against its basic beliefs.
- I value my family time above ALL else (“girls’ nights” aren’t all that fun)
- I don’t drink/smoke/do drugs/party.
- Finding Nemo, Eight Below, and The Lion King make me BAWL. (I feel for animals more than I do for people.)
- Which is why if I could rescue every unloved/homeless dog and cat, I definitely would!
- I try to see the lesson in everything because I hardly question/complain about anything.
- I’m a cynic.
- I find it ridiculous that some people must be taxed more in order for society to prosper. What’s needed is a government that doesn’t spend like crazy.
- Check out more of my confessions (from 2014)!
- Plus my post on Confessions from a Happy Catholic
- And even more confessions (from 2016)!

The day of my (first) college graduation in 2011. (I went back in ’12 to pursue a second B.S. in Psych.) that iI finished in ’13.)
Just a sprinkling of the great groups I’m fortunate to belong to/work with…
Latina Lifestyle Bloggers • Blogs by Latinas • Social Fabric
Blogg Forward • U.S. Family Guide • Clever Network
I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or just want to tell me about your day, simply contact me.
May the rest of your day be delightful and “see” you later!